Pray and Play with Us
First UMC Gainesville is a welcoming church home where children and families experience God’s love while becoming a part of a larger faith family. We offer a variety of ministries for newborns through 5th grade including Sunday School, music and drama, opportunities to serve, and much more.
Sunday School and Nursery
Sunday School is located on the 1st floor of our Epworth Hall and begins at 9:15 a.m. Children in 1st through 5th grade join together for a time of singing and lessons that bring us into the great stories of our faith. For our littlest ones, our nursery is located next door to Children's Sunday School and remains open through the conclusion of our worship service.

Children in Worship
At First UMC, we value children of all ages as an integral part of our worshiping community. We welcome children in our worship service and encourage them to serve along side the grown-ups. We offer a worship backpack each week filled with activities that connect with the week’s scripture lesson and, during worship, all kids are invited to come to the front of the church for a special message just for them.
After the Children's Message, children in grades K-5 are invited to continue their time of worship with us in the sanctuary or can go next door to Epworth Hall for our Children's Church. Kids in grades 3-5 are invited to return to their seats and continue in worship. Every first Sunday of the month, our church family takes communion during the worship service and our children remain with their families for the entire service so all generations are able to learn, grow, and receive communion together.
Our goal is that families will always leave church having something meaningful to discuss from worship around the lunch table and throughout the week! Giving families a shared language of faith is a priority for us here at First UMC!

BSA Troop 84 has been active at our church since 1928! In 2019, we welcomed BSA Troop 21, the first female troop in Gainesville to our scouting family that also includes Cub Scout Pack 127. All of the troops call our historic, on-site scout cabin their home.

Sunday Mornings
Child care is available in our nursery located in Epworth Hall during worship and Sunday school. The nursery opens 15 minutes prior to the start of Sunday school and runs until the end of the worship service.
Sunday School
Sunday school for our children through 1st through 5th grade is available at the same time as our Sunday morning growth groups.
We welcome all children in our worship services and we have a special message just for them before the sermon. If our youngest children (K - grade 2) are restless, they can leave the Sanctuary after their special message for a time of faith-filled fun just for them in Epworth Hall.