We seek to provide a safe space for teens in 6th-12th grade where they can feel accepted and spend time with their peers. We teach our youth what it means to be a follower of Christ by encouraging them to have open hearts, open minds, and to offer an open door to all. Each Sunday morning, our 5th-8th grade youth meet in our Youth Cafe to have fun and grow in their faith.
We have teamed with Trinity UMC and have combined our Sunday evening and weekday youth programs with theirs at the Trinity UMC campus.
We have teamed with Trinity UMC and have combined our Sunday evening and weekday youth programs with theirs at the Trinity UMC campus.

Scouting at First UMC
BSA Troop 84 has been active at our church since 1928! In 2019, we welcomed BSA Troop 21, the first female troop in Gainesville to our scouting family that also includes Cub Scout Pack 127.
All of the troops call our historic, on-site scout cabin their home.
All of the troops call our historic, on-site scout cabin their home.