Growth Groups are places where people gather to study, pray, and engage in respectful, challenging conversation in order to be formed more in the image of Jesus. These groups are of various sizes and can meet on an on-going, long-term, or short-term basis. If you haven’t already, we hope you’ll choose to grow deeper in your love for Christ who calls us to love our neighbor as ourselves by connecting with a Growth Group!
If you are interested in starting a Growth Group, please drop an email to Janet Rocap so she can help ensure you have all the resources you need and connect you with others who may be interested in your group.
If you are interested in starting a Growth Group, please drop an email to Janet Rocap so she can help ensure you have all the resources you need and connect you with others who may be interested in your group.
Help, Thanks, Wow! Wednesdays
This is a simple time of checking in, sharing, and lifting up our world in prayer with others in our First UMC faith family that meets over Zoom every Wednesday evening from 7:30 p.m-8:00 p.m. with whoever wishes to join in. The Zoom link is sent out every Wednesday morning so contact us at contact@fumcgnv.org for the link to this group or to be included in our email list.
Joyful Adulting meets in the Wesley Room (second floor of Bell Hall, Room B201) every Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. Joyful Adulting is a fun group of younger adults with a focus on how to live an authentic Christian life amidst the challenges of modern life. Contact Elise Caton at joyfuladulting@fumcgnv.org for more information.
New Beginnings
New Beginnings consists primarily of adults over 65 and welcomes adults of all ages who enjoy the Methodist traditions of food, fellowship, singing hymns, and bible-focused studies. The group meets on-campus every Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. in the Epworth Conference for Sunday School and meets online every Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. for fellowship and Bible study. For more information, contact Jim Nation at newbeginnings@fumcgnv.org.
Maranatha Class
The Maranatha Class consists primarily of adults over 50 and welcomes adults of all ages to join in lively, engaging Bible study and discussion. This group examines the original meanings of the words as used in the scriptures, and considers the cultural and historical background as part of the study. They seek to understand Scripture, to relate Scripture to contemporary living, and to respond with positive actions in their personal lives. The class meets on-campus and online every Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m., and online every Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m. for fellowship. Please contact Donna Parrish and Leon Couch at maranatha@fumcgnv.org for more information.
FaithWorks is an exciting exploration of Scripture in a relaxed, participatory format. Everyone is welcome and no preparation required! This inclusive and informal discussion group meets Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. in the Epworth Hall parlor located on the first floor next to our Nursery. You can contact Janet Rocap at janet@fumcgnv.org for more information.
Womens Bible Study
This is a small group of women who meet on-campus every Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. for fellowship, and to read and discuss books related to spiritual growth. For more information, contact Janet Rocap at janet@fumcgnv.org.
Wednesday Bible Study
This group meets on-campus and online to study and discuss faith-building books. The group meets on Wednesdays at noon in our Epworth Parlor and via Zoom. Contact Dan Greathouse at kdgreathouse@mac.com or Janet Rocap at janet@fumcgnv.org for more information.
Only Youth
This group for youth in the 5th-8th grades meets on-campus every Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. in the Youth Cafe located on the second floor of Bell Hall. Their focus is having fun and growing deeper in their faith. For more information, contact Trish Eccles at OnlyYouth@fumcgnv.org.
Christian Believer Study
We are starting a study in September using the "Christian Believer" materials. This 30-week study is a life-changing, deep dive into the essential themes of our faith. Through weekly videos and daily readings, you will discover new insights about God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit; learn the true meaning of the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism; and discussions on topics such as what do we mean by Eternal Life? This class will be facilitated Dan Greathouse and will be held via Zoom on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. For more information, contact Janet Rocap at janet@fumcgnv.org.
Men's Group
This group meets Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. in the Bethany Room and is a new opportunity to meet and get to know the men in our church in a variety of ways. All men are welcome to join us in conversation, ministry projects, prayer, and support as we grow in our relationships with each other and our God. Contact Carl Rocap at MensGroup@fumcgnv.org for details.