Lent Events

Imposition of Ashes

On Ash Wednesday, we are reminded of our mortality, we confess our sins, and we experience forgiveness through Christ's death and resurrection.  Many Christians will have the sign of the cross made on their  foreheads with a mixture of palm ashes and oil. The use of ashes has a long history in Jewish and Christian worship. Historically, ashes signified purification and sorrow for sins.
We will have our Chapel open for anyone who wishes to drop by for the imposition of ashes and to have the opportunity to spend some time in prayer. Stop by any time between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 5.

Every Thursday at 11:00 a.m.

Take a Lenten journey with the handbells of First UMC. Every Thursday at 11:00 a.m., anyone willing to step into a new adventure learning handbells is welcome to join our Fellowship of the Ringers. If you have never touched a handbell or have played for 40 years, all are welcome - simply come to the Handbell Room on the second floor of Epworth Hall. Following rehearsal each week, ringers will share a meal together on campus or at a downtown restaurant. Questions? Contact Michael Ekbladh at michael@fumcgnv.org.
Fellowship of the Ringers 2024